
Out now!

The 11th edition of Jazz Out of Norway features some of the best in Norwegian Jazz and is now available in streaming platforms.

At the European Jazz Conference 12 September, Norsk jazzforum launches a new edition of the compilation Jazz Out of Norway. One of the bands featured on the compilation, Liv Andrea Hauge Trio, won the EJN’s Zenith Award 2024 and are playing a concert at the European Jazz Conference on Saturday 14 September.

The eleventh edition of Jazz Out of Norway presents 30 songs by various Norwegian bands and musicians and contains music released in 2023 and 2024 as well as some upcoming releases. The booklet with liner notes, credits and anecdotes from the artists is available for downloading here (pdf).

Jazz Out of Norway 11th Set is a continuation of, a compilation that introduces Norwegian jazz to the world. After ten CD releases it is now digital distribution only and available in various streaming platforms. The compilation is produced by Norsk jazzforum in cooperation with The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Out now!

The 11th edition of Jazz Out of Norway features some of the best in Norwegian Jazz and is now available in streaming platforms.


Out now!

The 11th edition of Jazz Out of Norway features some of the best in Norwegian Jazz and is now available in streaming platforms.