April 8, 2024

Morten Georg Gismervik
Dunes at Night

About the release

(NO) Dunes at Night tar for seg to karakterer som gjennom stil og låttitler blir skildret som veldig forskjellige personer. Begge disse karakterene har hvert sitt eget dedikerte stykke, som både starter og avslutter platen. Den første karakteren – Kimri – presenteres først gjennom utadvendt musikk og eksplosive grooves, mens den andre karakteren -Winter – kommer fram som et mer innadvendt og sjenert individ. Det er her inspirasjon fra den nordiske jazzen setter sitt preg.

(ENG) Morten Georg Gismervik is a great storyteller and “Dunes at Night” deals with two very different characters, as presented by both the album’s musical style and track titles. Both characters have their own dedicated tunes, one opening the album, and the other one concluding it. The first character – Kimri – is presented through outgoing music with explosive grooves, while the other – Winter – appears more introvert and shy. This is where the colder, softer touch of nordic jazz makes its mark. The album draws inspiration on both Nordic and lyrical jazz as well as prog rock, and you can hear Gismervik ́s unique ability to convey stories throughout the album.


Sigurd Drogset Hemmingsen - Drums & glockenspiel
Torger Forsberg - Electric bass
Harsha Jerome - Piano
Morten Georg Gismervik - Electric guitars
Anders Skjerdal - Trumpet
Håkon Huldt-Nystrøm - Double bass
Øystein Folkedal - Piano and synthesizer
Ellen-Martine Gismervik - Cello


From frontpage


Out now!

The 11th edition of Jazz Out of Norway features some of the best in Norwegian Jazz and is now available in streaming platforms.