April 9, 2024

Gabriela Garrubo

About the release

“Rodando” is the debut album of the award-winning Norwegian-Brazilian jazz singer Gabriela Garrubo. Her music balances modern and retro sounds, blending Scandinavian jazz with influences from Brazilian MPB of the 60s and 80s. The lyrics, written in English and Portuguese, explore themes of self-discovery and finding strength in a beautiful, yet chaotic and often unjust world. In addition to receiving glowing reviews in Norway and being elected album of the year by one of the main newspapers, “Rodando” has also won praise abroad and been featured in countries such as Canada, Germany, Brazil and Belgium.


Gabriela Garrubo - vokal, piano/komponist og produsent
Audun Humberset - perkusjon
Cato Lyngholm - trommer
Johannes Nøkling Aagaard - gitar
Nils Henrik Sagvåg - bass
Olav Imerslund - bass
Vetle Junker - synth/produsent


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Out now!

The 11th edition of Jazz Out of Norway features some of the best in Norwegian Jazz and is now available in streaming platforms.