February 21, 2023

Kjetil Husebø
Years of Ambiguity

About the release

På albumet Years of Ambiguity har Kjetil Husebø skapt musikk som befinner seg i krysningspunktet mellom ambient, drone og jazz. Flygelet er erstattet med synthesizere, samplere, elektronikk og programmering. På dette albumet har han med seg Arve Henriksen (trompet) og Eivind Aarset (gitar) på flere av sporene. Musikken veksler mellom å være minimalistisk og maksimalistisk.

Den er filmatisk og kontrastfull — veksler mellom å være både lys og mørk. Musikken er orientert mot det soniske, abstrakte, men også det melodiske. Musikken er komponert, innspilt og mikset i Husebøs eget studio i Oslo.

On the album Years of Ambiguity, experienced composer and jazz artist Kjetil Husebø has created music at the crossroads between ambient, drone and jazz. The grand piano has been replaced with synthesizers, samplers, electronics and programming. Internationally renowned musicians Arve Henriksen (trumpet) and Eivind Aarset (guitar) collaborates with him on several of the tracks.

The moods on the album is cinematic and full of contrasts, alternating between being minimalistic and maximalist, sometimes light, sometimes dark. Musically oriented towards huge sonic landscapes, abstract sounds but also with a sense for melody.

“After having greatly appreciated Kjetil Husebø’s music for many years, I am not surprised to hear what he does on “Years of Ambiguity”. He connects maturity with creativity in an especially strong way.”
Arild R. Andersen, Aftenposten.

“I can safely say Husebø has found himself a distinctive electro-acoustic niche which lies somewhere between the worlds of jazz, ambient, classical and improvised musics.” Jazzjournal.

“the community demand to put themselves fully at the service of the overall sound, makes this album beyond outstanding. “Groove, DE.

“Years of Ambiguity” har blitt Husebøs viktigste og sterkeste vitnebyrd til nå.” Tor Hammerø


Kjetil Husebø - Synthesizers, Samplers, Live Sampling, FX, Electronics, Programming, Edits.
Eivind Aarset - Guitar, Samples and FX
Arve Henriksen - Trumpet and Synthesizers.


From frontpage


Out now!

The 11th edition of Jazz Out of Norway features some of the best in Norwegian Jazz and is now available in streaming platforms.